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GERI-Minute #23 - Elderly Exercise that fits! Move more and feel better as you age.
GERI-Minute #135 What do You Need To Know About Minority Stress if you Work in Geriatrics?
GERI-Minute #125 What is a Patient Portal?
GERI-Minute #128: What is Mindfulness for Older Adults?
GERI-Minute 120 - What to do if someone with dementia is getting lost
GERI-Minute #119 - Aging brain and supplements - Are there any supplements that can help?
GERI-Minute #89 What are 3 ways exercise can help with Incontinence?
GERI-Minute #129 Why try Mindfulness Meditation?
10 Dakika Zamanlayıcı ( Geri Sayım Sayacı ) ( Ten minute countdown timer ) Ten Minute Timer
GERI-Minute #117 Alzheimers and diet - What to Eat to Beat Alzheimer's
GERI-Minute 140 What are the types of dementia and are they important in dementia diagnosis? #shorts
What is ADUCANUMAB? GERI-Minute #123 New dementia treatment approved by FDA.